Lady B loves to destroy things. Few things make her happier than destroying things makes her. She had destroyed almost everything she needed to crush and today she looked around for what to crush and she saw a bicycle. She knew she could not crush it with her feet or any part of her body so she used a tractor to crush it and destroy it. It was no match for the tractor and was fully destroyed.
Madame Marissa loves to destroy things. It makes her happy and it makes her feel powerful. She had crushed so many things and today she wanted to do what she had never done before. So she chose to crush toys. And she did not do it with her feet or heels. She did it with her car. She took them outside and she crushed them with her car then sped off.
Madame Marissa was disappointed in her slave as he did not seem to learn. She had to do something crazy to show him how serious she was. So she drove him to a secluded place and then she ordered him out of the car. She told him to lie down and she ran him over with her car. She wanted to crush him painfully and make him realize that she would not tolerate his nonsense anymore.
Mistress Olga found many toy cars in her house. Her children had grown up and they did not need toys anymore. So she had nowhere to take the toys. She decided to crush them for fun. So she took them out and she placed them on the ground and crushed them with her car. She did it for fun then she collected the mess and she threw it in the trash can.
Madame Marissa loves to use her car to crush toy cars. She loves to go to the store and buy them just so that she can crush them. She likes to do it with her car because she is guaranteed of destroying them and she also likes how she can destroy them and leave the mess there instead of having to clean it up if it was in her house because she does not have a slave.
Giantess Lilia wanted to teach her daughter a lesson so she crushed her daughters doll. She did not do it while she saw her, but she took it out without her seeing and she crushed it with her car then she took it back and placed it where it was. It was deformed and it was not the same toy anymore. Her daughter cried and begged for a new one but she told her she would not get another one until she became a good girl.
Madame Marissa tried to crush this toy but it was well built and it was tough. It could not break so she chose to crush it and destroy it using her car. She tied it to one of her car tires and she drove fast and then applied emergency brakes so that she could skid and destroy it. She had fun doing it and at the end of the day she destroyed it.
Mistress Jenny does not like teddy bears. And she has a car crush fetish. So it was easy for her to take the teddy bear she was given as a present and crush it using her car. She knew her ass would not do any damage to it. So she crushed it with her car and she let the tires do all the damaging for her. She then threw it away.
Lady B was given those tiny television sets as a gift but she really had no use for it. She did not need it so she took it outdoors to crush it. She wanted to have a little fun as she was bored so she placed it on the ground and she ran her tire over it. She knew her high heels could not crush it so she crushed it with her car.
Madame Marissa was so pissed by a badly behaved kid that she took his toys and she crushed them with her car. She did not let him see her take them. But since he was careless and he left them all over, she knew she could easily take them without anyone knowing it was her. She drove far away to go and crush them then she came back as if nothing had happened.